January 27, 2005

Harry Hanson camera.gif

Through Ron Etergino, I was fortunate enough to have met and spend time with Ray over the years. He was kind and his humor and demeanor gave off an aurora of contagious good feelings. I was given a few of the attached stickers for my hardhat. I work for GE Energy Management Services at Gas Turbine sites all over the US and the world , most of them under construction at the time of my work. I have copied and distributed the sticker to many other of my co workers along with how special a person Ray was. The sticker prompts many people to ask about it's origin at these sites. The story of Ray's accident, his personality and what he left behind are told them. It touches, even if only briefly, every person that hears it and reminds us all of how important safety is.


GE Energy
Harry Hanson
Senior Project Manager
GE Energy Management Services, Inc.